Today we continued the free food and technology distribution efforts at AEACMS. At this pace we will exceed 30,000 meals distributed by the end of this week.  Thanks once again to our staff volunteers who make this all possible.  Our AEA Covid-19 Relief Fund now stands at approximately $17,000!  This generosity will allow us to continue weekend food box distribution into the month of June.

In his daily press conference today CA Governor Newsom spoke at length about the Phase Two process of gradually re-opening our State.  He mentioned the challenges we all will inevitably face regarding budget planning going forward.  We will be waiting for the May 14 ‘May Revise’ to the CA budget–we are anticipating drastic decreases from the numbers the Governor released in January, 2020 (pre-Covid-19 pandemic).  Our leadership team has been creating budget scenarios to share with our finance committee tomorrow for more discussion and analysis.  

The AEA Board of Trustees will discuss budget planning at its upcoming meeting.  Our next AEA Board meeting will take place virtually on Tuesday, May 12. To view the meeting live beginning at 4:30 pm PST on May 12, here is the link:

Stay safe and stay healthy.