The Enrollment Period for the 2025-2026 school year is Now OPEN! - Apply Today

AEA Charter Elementary School Procedures

After School Programs

Click here for information on the AEA AfterStein program.

Additional After School Programs:

SAY San Diego provides after-school childcare for our students in grades K-5. This licensed childcare program is offered to parents for a monthly fee. Reach out to the AEACES front office for more information.

In addition, we coordinate several fee-based After School Enrichment Program options. Sign-ups for the various classes occur three times per year in fall, winter, and spring and vary in length and duration.  All program teachers have been properly screened and insured.

For more information, please visit this page.


Maintaining consistent daily attendance is critical for student academic success. Please see this Board Approved policy for more detail.

Cell Phones and Personal Technology Devices

Students are not permitted to have their personal devices out at any time during the school day. This includes phones, iPads, smartwatches, personal gaming devices, and computers. If a student is sent to school with a personal device, it is to remain in their backpack turned off throughout the entire school day. Cell phone calls are restricted to after school only and must be permitted by a supervising adult or placed in the office.  No pictures or videos can be taken by any student of another student on campus or field trips. Texts are prohibited. If a student is caught with a cell phone during the school day, it will be immediately confiscated and can be picked up by a parent in the front office. If a student has a phone confiscated a second time, the student may be recommended for disciplinary action. In a school emergency, the supervising adults will advise students on proper cell phone usage protocol.

Click here for the AEA Digital Use policy.

Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures

Drop Off & Dismissal Procedures 2024-2025 (English)

Drop Off & Dismissal Video 2024-2025 (English)

Important Traffic Safety Reminders for our Vehicle Entrance on A Street:

  • Please remember that you can only enter the vehicle line on A Street one way.  You must enter this line by heading southbound on Fern Street. For the safety of our staff and students, you cannot enter from any other direction.  
  • Please do not jaywalk across the street on A street with your children or expect them to do so alone. Doing so means walking in front of vehicles on A street and in front of vehicles in our moving vehicle line. This is both against the law and dangerous.

Drop Off & Dismissal Procedures 2024-2025 (Spanish)

Drop Off & Dismissal Video 2024-2025 (Spanish)

Recordatorios importantes de seguridad vial para nuestra entrada de vehículos por la calle A:

  • Recuerde que sólo puede entrar en la fila de vehículos de la calle A en un sentido.  Debe entrar en esta línea dirigiéndose hacia el sur por Fern Street. Por la seguridad de nuestro personal y estudiantes, no puede entrar desde ninguna otra dirección.  
  • Por favor, no cruce la calle A con sus hijos ni espere que lo hagan solos. Hacerlo significa caminar delante de los vehículos en la calle A y delante de los vehículos en nuestra línea de vehículos en movimiento. Esto es ilegal y peligroso. 
Homeless Student Policy

If you require the school to give your child a prescription medication during the school day, you must bring the medication with a Doctor’s signed release, in the original labeled prescription bottle, to the office with written instructions. Over the counter medications require a form on file that must be signed in order for us to administer medication to your child.


Parent-Teacher Conferences

Approximately half way through the first semester parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled for all students to discuss your child’s progress. Please make every effort to keep the designated appointment. Remember that parent-teacher conferences need not be limited to these times. If you have concerns at any time, feel free to schedule an appointment to discuss your child’s academic progress. As a reminder, Parent-Teacher Conference weeks are minimum days.  

Please view the official AEA calendar for more details.

Report Cards

Reports cards will be issued at the end of each semester and will be available on the PowerSchool Student Portal. If you have any questions regarding the information on the report cards, please contact your child’s teacher.  

School Supplies
Basic classroom supplies: 
AEA will provide basic classroom supplies for your student (pencils, crayons, markers, glue sticks, binders, folders, etc.). However, you may still contribute classroom supplies at any time during the school year.

Student Planners:

Your child will be issued an AEA planner to help them stay organized throughout the school year. One planner per student will be distributed at no cost to you. 

Backpack and Water Bottle:

Please send your student with a backpack and a reusable water bottle (optional). These items should have their full name clearly written on them. Water fountains and bottle fillers are available on campus to drink from and refill bottles. The school will not be providing water bottles. 

Backpacks/Lunch bags (if your student is bringing lunch from home):

If your student will bring lunch and/or a snack from home, please send them a lunch bag or lunch box with their name on it.

Suspension and Expulsion Policy

It is expected that children will arrive on time for school. It is disruptive to the teacher and unsettling for the students to have students enter the classroom late. School starts at 8:10 a.m. sharp. Please make certain that you plan for travel time and traffic problems to assure that your child arrives on time. Tardy children must report to the office when they arrive late (see Drop Off/Pick up Procedures for specific details). If you wish to take your child out of school before the instructional day ends, you must come to the office and sign him/her out. No child may leave campus during the school day without a written release form!  

Toys and Electronic Items


All toy and, games must stay at home! Electronic items (games, MP3 players, digital camera, etc.) are prohibited at school. If an electronic item is required for academic purposes, prior permission must be obtained from the appropriate teacher or principal. Electronic items will be confiscated and must be reclaimed in the principal’s office. Repeated confiscations may result in additional disciplinary action.