News & Announcements

AEACMS – High School Information Night

Albert Einstein Academy Charter Middle School - High School Information NightDear 8th Grade Students/Families,Albert Einstein Academy Charter Middle School invites you to attend our annual High School Information Night on Tuesday, October 4,...

Community Message Regarding Naloxone (NARCAN)

Community Message Regarding Naloxone (NARCAN) AEA Community: As you may be aware, there is an opioid epidemic impacting people of all ages in this country. Thankfully, the documented impact on teens in San Diego County remains low. But even one child using drugs and...

Parent University: Canvas, PowerSchool and IB Assessment

Parent University: Canvas, PowerSchool and IB Assessment When: Thursday, September 15 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Where: Meeting will be held virtually via Zoom Presenters: Serving as Canvas administrators: Jose Diaz (AEACMS Assistant Principal), and Corie Julius (AEA IB...

Elementary Room Parents Needed!

Elementary Room Parents Needed!Hello AEA Parents! My name is Heather McLean and I am the new Elementary School Room Parent Coordinator at Friends of AEA for the 2022-2023 school year. Friends of AEA is our version of a PTA for the AEA...