News & Announcements

School Closure: Day 33

Today our free food and technology distribution efforts continued; we will likely hit the 25,000 meal milestone by the end of this week. On the topic of food support, we are gearing up for the second weekend food box distribution this Saturday, May 2 from 9-11 am....

Join us: Pastries with the Principals

As mentioned in a previous post, we will be hosting the first-ever virtual Pastries with the Principals on Wednesday, April 29 at 5:30 pm PST. Click here for more information. Thanks to Friends of AEA for hosting the event.

School Closure: Day 29

With beautiful summer weather arriving in San Diego this week, the city relaxed some of the restrictions around use of parks and trails.  I for one have been enjoying this opportunity to get outside and closer to nature, but with the proper precautions in place.  Here...