News & Announcements

School Closure: Day 25

As we come to the end of the first week back from a quite unusual Spring Break, I would like to thank our staff and families for your flexibility and patience in implementing the AEA Distance Learning Plan (DLP). Like any plan it requires some time to become daily...

School Closure: Day 24

Organizing items for distribution as part of Covid-19 Relief Fund. Today we received a large shipment of food and other necessities from Costco and our team has begun organizing distribution. These items were purchased with proceeds from the AEA Covid-19 Relief Fund....

School Closure: Day 23

During this pandemic we must take life's simple pleasures any way we can.  Today on the AEA food distribution line, when I complained to an AEA staff volunteer that despite the brilliant San Diego weather I'm unable to enjoy a hike on nearby trails or a visit to the...

School Closure: Day 22

We returned to more typical San Diego weather today, which hopefully will lift spirits somewhat. We can be heartened even more by the overwhelming show of support for the AEA COVID-19 Relief Fund which has brought in over $8,000 in less than a week. With the proceeds...

School Closure: Day 21

Today is the first day "back to class" from Spring Break for AEA students; clearly this means we are returning in a virtual sense.  Here is a link to the English and Spanish versions of the AEA Distance Learning Plan (DLP).  This plan has also gone out to all AEA...

COVID-19 Relief Fund Outreach Survey

COVID-19 Relief Fund Outreach Survey Click here to access and submit the surveyThe AEA COVID-19 Relief Fund is made up of generous private donations from concerned AEA community members to support AEA students, families and staff during the...