The Enrollment Period for the 2025-2026 school year is Now OPEN! - Apply Today

Parent University Schedule and Resources

At AEA, we believe that families play an integral role in our learning community. Parent Universities are an opportunity for parents to learn and dialogue about topics important to both student learning and socio-emotional development. All Parent Universities are available virtually on Zoom and offer live Spanish and ASL interpretation.


Parent University Feedback on Topics

Please fill out the following forms to provide feedback on the Parent University topics you’re interested in. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to email Mrs. Solorio ( Thank you!

Elementary School- English Feedback Form

Elementary School – Spanish Feedback Form

Middle School – English Feedback Form

Middle School – Spanish Feedback Form


2024 – 2025

Navigating Immigration Rights
When: Thursday, February 27, 2025 from 5:30-7:00pm
Location: Zoom Webinar Only
Presenters: Dr. Sciarretta (AEACS Superintendent), John Lemmo (Young, Minney, & Coor, LLP), Filex Sanchez (Union Law Group), Richard Barrera (Vice President from San Diego Unified School District) and  Maria Ortega (AEA Board of Trustees President)
Description: This workshop is designed to help parents/families understand their immigration rights within the school system. We will explore what schools can and cannot do regarding student information, confidentiality, and access to education. Parents/families will learn what AEA is doing to maintain a safe and welcoming environment. This session is focused on providing practical information to ensure that every child has access to a safe and supportive learning experience. We are not able to offer legal advice during this session.
Please RSVP hereZoom Link
Link to add questions: Questions for presenters

Universidad para padres: Navegando por los derechos de inmigración

Cuándo: jueves 27 de febrero de 2025 de 5:30 a 7:00 p. m.

Ubicación: Seminario web Zoom únicamente

Presentadores: Dr. Sciarretta (Superintendente de AEACS), John Lemmo (Young, Minney, & Coor, LLP), Filex Sánchez (Union Law Group), Richard Barrera (Vice Presidente del Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego) y María Ortega (Presidenta de la Mesa Directiva de AEA)

Descripción: Este taller está diseñado para ayudar a los padres/familias a comprender sus derechos de inmigración dentro del sistema escolar. Vamos a discutir lo que las escuelas pueden y no pueden hacer con respecto a la información de los estudiantes, la confidencialidad y el acceso a la educación. Los padres/familias aprenderán lo que está haciendo la AEA para mantener un ambiente seguro. Esta sesión se centra en proporcionar información práctica para garantizar que cada niño tenga acceso a una experiencia de aprendizaje segura y de apoyo. No podemos ofrecer asesoramiento legal durante esta sesión.

Por favor confirme su asistencia aquí: Enlace Zoom
Enlace para agregar preguntas: Preguntas para presentadores

I Choose My Future (Drug Prevention Education)
When: Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 5:30 PM
Location: Room 213 on the Middle School Campus

Presenter: Rocky Herron (Retired DEA special agent)

Description: The high-impact school-based presentations for adolescents, young adults, parents, and school staff are focused on cultivating awareness in our youth about the current drug threat. The presentations will motivate students to focus on their choices and to respect their potential in life and are based on Rocky’s work as a DEA agent for 31 years. The student presentations will cover fentanyl, other synthetic drugs, cannabis/THC, and TUPE/Vaping. Retired DEA special agent Rocky Herron has embraced a new challenge as an anti-drug and alcohol ambassador for the San Diego County Office of Education. Rocky Herron also spoke on Dr. Sciaretta’s podcast channel. 
We hope you are able to listen to it due to the important safety message about fentanyl:

Basic German Class for Grown-Ups

When: Thursday, December 5, 2024 from 6-7:30pm

Location: Room 9 on the Elementary Campus

Presenter: Katrin Goldman (German Elementary School Teacher)

Description: Basic German Learning Class to dive into the fundamentals of German language and culture in a fun and interactive environment. We will cover German language basics and  everyday phrases to equip yourself to support your child’s language learning at home. This will be very similar to the session from April 2024 – follow-up sessions will be held in March and May.

Click here for Youtube Recording (English)

Click here for Youtube Recording (Espanol)

Click here for Presentation

Supporting Your 1st Grade Reader

WHEN:  Thursday, November 14, 2024 from 6:00-7:00 PM

LOCATION:  Elementary School – Room B23 (enter at Bike Gate just west of the front office)

DESCRIPTION: Please join us to talk about literacy in 1st grade. You will learn the essentials of how children learn to read and write and how you can partner with teachers to support your child at home to become a confident reader and writer in both English and German.

PRESENTERS: Shawn Powell (Literacy Specialist), Megan Crim (1st Grade English Teacher), Andrea Tollison (1st Grade German Teacher)

Click here for Youtube Recording (English)

Click here for Youtube Recording (Spanish)

Click here for Presentation

AEACMS High School Information Night

When: Thursday, October 10 from 5:00 pm to 7:15pm

Where: AEACMS MPR and Classrooms (458 26th Street San Diego 92102)

Presenters: Yvonne Torres, Neighborhood School and Enrollment Options Manager from San Diego Unified and various representatives from local high schools


Albert Einstein Charter Middle School invites you to attend our annual High School Information Night on Thursday, October 10, 2024, from 5:00 – 7:15pm on campus/in person for our 8th grade students and families. Parents and students are welcome to attend. For School Choice options under the San Diego Unified School District for the 2025-2026 school year, parents/guardians must submit an online application from Monday September 23 through Monday November 4, 2024. We hope you will join us for this event that is designed to support families and students in making the appropriate high school placement decision. We will begin with a general session about Enrollment Options, then families/students will be able to attend 4 different informational sessions regarding programs at the participating high schools. 


Schools who have confirmed their attendance: 

  • San Diego High School
  • Helix Charter High School
  • e3 Civic High School
  • High Tech High School
  • East Village Middle College High School
  • School for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SET High)
  • Cristo Rey San Diego High School
  • Health Sciences High and Middle College
  • Francis Parker School
  • Kearny High School
  • King Chavez Community High School
  • San Diego MET High School

Questions/comments? Please contact Monica Solorio at

RSVP: Click Here

*Please RSVP so that we can plan appropriately.


Noche informativa en AEACMS sobre Escuelas Preparatorias

Cuándo: jueves, 10 de octubre de 5:00 a 7:15pm

Dónde: AEACMS MPR y salones (458 26th Street San Diego 92102)

Presentadores: Yvonne Torres, Gerente de Opciones de Inscripción y Escuelas del Vecindario del Unificado de San Diego, y varios representantes de las escuelas secundarias locales


AEACMS le invita a asistir a nuestra Noche Anual de Información sobre Escuelas Preparatorias el jueves 10 de octubre de 2024, de 5:00 a 7:15 pm en el campus de AEACMS en persona para nuestros estudiantes de octavo grado y sus familias. Para las opciones de elección de escuela bajo el Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego para el año escolar 2024-2025, los padres/tutores deben enviar una solicitud en línea del 23 de septiembre hasta el 4 de noviembre de 2024. Esperamos que nos acompañen para este evento que está diseñado para apoyar a las familias y los estudiantes en la toma de la decisión para escoger la escuela preparatoria adecuada. Comenzaremos con una sesión general sobre las Opciones de inscripción y luego podrán asistir a cuatro sesiones informativas diferentes sobre los programas de las preparatorias participantes. 

Escuelas que han confirmado su asistencia: 

  • San Diego High School
  • Helix Charter High School
  • e3 Civic High School
  • High Tech High School
  • East Village Middle College High School
  • School for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SET High)
  • Cristo Rey San Diego High School
  • Health Sciences High and Middle College
  • Francis Parker School
  • Kearny High School
  • King Chavez Community School
  • San Diego MET High School

¿Preguntas o comentarios? Póngase en contacto con Mónica Solorio en

RSVP: Haga clic aqui

*Por favor, confirme su asistencia para que podamos planificar adecuadamente.


Trauma Informed Approach with Your Children
When: Thursday, October 3 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Where: AEACMS 458  26th Street San Diego 92102 (Middle Campus Room 213)
Presenters: Dr. Christobelle Tan (Transformative SEL Project Specialist from the San Diego County Office of Education) and Janelle Lopez (Parent and Family Liaison)

Who should attend? All elementary and middle school families are invited

What will be covered?

This workshop will provide an essential understanding of trauma, its impacts on the brain and body, and paths to healing. Parents and caregivers will engage in ways to support themselves and their families for collective well being. All are welcome to attend, but please RSVP as soon as possible as we want to provide dinner for those who attend in person.
This Parent University will be held in person, available via Zoom, and live-streamed on YouTube. A video recording will be available on YouTube to watch later. Spanish interpretation services will be available during the presentation.
For in-person attendees, dinner and childcare for school-aged children will be provided.


Click here for the Presentation Slides

Click here for Youtube Recording


Universidad para Padres: Enfoque Informado sobre el Trauma con Sus Hijos

Cuándo: Jueves, 3 de octubre de 6:00 pm a 7:30 pm
Dónde: AEACMS 458 26th Street, San Diego 92102 (Campus de Secundaria, Salón 213)
Presentadoras: Dra. Christobelle Tan (Especialista del Proyecto SEL Transformativo de la Oficina de Educación del Condado de San Diego) y Janelle Lopez (Enlace para Padres y Familias)
¿Quién debería asistir? Todas las familias de primaria y secundaria están invitadas.

¿Qué se cubrirá?
Este taller proporcionará una comprensión esencial del trauma, sus efectos en el cerebro y el cuerpo, y los caminos hacia la sanación. Los padres y cuidadores aprenderán maneras de apoyarse a sí mismos y a sus familias para lograr el bienestar colectivo. Todos son bienvenidos a asistir, pero por favor confirmen su asistencia lo antes posible, ya que deseamos proporcionar cena para aquellos que asistan en persona.

Esta Universidad para Padres se llevará a cabo en persona, estará disponible a través de Zoom y se transmitirá en vivo por YouTube. La grabación del video estará disponible en YouTube para verla más tarde. Se ofrecerán servicios de interpretación en español durante la presentación.


Haz clic aquí para las diapositivas de la presentación.

Haz clic aquí para la grabación de YouTube.

How to Support your Child with German at Home

When: Thursday, September 26 from 6PM – 7:30PM

Where: Albert Einstein Academy Elementary School Campus Room B34

Description: Learning strategies to use in order to help support your student with their German Learning at home.

Presenter(s): Frau Goldman & Frau Tollison


Click here for the Presentation Slides

Click here for Youtube Recording



Cuándo: Jueves, 26 de septiembre, de 6:00 PM a 7:30 PM

Dónde: Campus de la Escuela Primaria Albert Einstein Academy, Salón B34

Descripción: Estrategias de aprendizaje para usar y ayudar a su estudiante con su aprendizaje de alemán en casa.

Presentadores: Frau Goldman y Frau Tollison


Haz clic aquí para las diapositivas de la presentación.

Haz clic aquí para la grabación de YouTube.


Supporting your K-2 Reader at Home - UFLI Homework Routine & Digital Tools

Description: A collaborative home-school partnership is crucial to building strong, skillful readers. Join us as AEA’s Literacy Team introduces families to our *new* K-2 reading curriculum, UFLI Foundations (University of Florida Literacy Institute) and its daily homework routines. Learn about the new tools you can use at home to support your child’s reading journey.

Presenter(s): Shawn Powell (Literacy Specialist) and Megan Crim (First Grade English Teacher)


Click here for Presentation Slides

Click here for Youtube Recording

Click here for UFLI Homework Worksheets


Universidad de Padres: Apoyando a su Lector de K-2 en Casa – Rutina de Tareas de UFLI y Herramientas Digitales

Descripción: Una colaboración entre el hogar y la escuela es crucial para construir lectores hábiles y fuertes. Únase a nosotros mientras el Equipo de Alfabetización de AEA presenta a las familias nuestro nuevo currículo de lectura para K-2, UFLI Foundations (Instituto de Alfabetización de la Universidad de Florida), y sus rutinas diarias de tareas. Aprenda sobre las nuevas herramientas que puede usar en casa para apoyar el viaje de lectura de su hijo.

Presentadores: Shawn Powell (Especialista en Alfabetización) y Megan Crim (Maestra de Inglés de Primer Grado)


Haz clic aquí para las diapositivas de la presentación.

Haz clic aquí para la grabación de YouTube.

Haz clic aquí para las hojas de trabajo de tarea de UFLI.

2023 – 2024

Basic German Class for Grown-Ups

When: Thursday, April 25, 2024 from 6-7:30pm

Location: Room 15 on AEACES Campus (3035 Ash Street San Diego, Ca 92102)

Description: Basic German Learning Class to dive into the fundamentals of German language and culture in a fun and interactive environment. We will cover German language basics and  everyday phrases to equip yourself to support your child’s language learning at home.

Presenters: Katrin Goldman (German Elementary School Teacher)

Click here for Youtube Presentation

Click here for Powerpoint

Universidad para padres: clase básica de alemán para adultos

Cuándo: jueves 25 de abril de 2024 de 6 a 7:30 p. m.

Ubicación: Salon 15 en el campus de AEACES (3035 Ash Street San Diego, Ca 92102)

Descripción: Clase de aprendizaje básico de alemán para profundizar en los fundamentos de la lengua y la cultura alemana en un ambiente divertido e interactivo. Cubriremos los conceptos básicos del idioma alemán y frases cotidianas para prepararse y apoyar el aprendizaje del idioma de su hijo en casa.

Presentadora: Katrin Goldman (maestra de escuela primaria alemana)

haz clic aquí para la grabación de YouTube

haga clic aquí para powerpoint

WASC Overview

When: Thursday, April 11, 6-7:15pm

Location: Room 213 on AEACMS Campus (458 26th Street San Diego, Ca 92102)

Date: Thursday, April 11, 2024 from 6-7:15pm

Description: Please join us for an introduction to the WASC accreditation process and the upcoming WASC self-study evaluation visit. We will have a conversation about how the Western Association of Schools and Colleges accreditation process applies to our schools and how parents can play a part.

Presenters: Dr. Jose Diaz (AEACMS Interim Principal) and Corie Julius (IB Coordinator)

Click here for Youtube Presentation

Taller para Padres: Descripción general de WASC, jueves, 11 de abril, 6-7:15pm

Fecha: jueves 11 de abril de 2024 de 6-7:15pm

Localización: Salon 213 en el campus de AEACMS (458 26th Street San Diego, Ca 92102)

Descripción: Únase a nosotros para recibir una introducción al proceso de acreditación de WASC y la próxima visita de evaluación de autoestudio de WASC (Asociación Occidental de Escuelas y Universidades). Tendremos una conversación sobre cómo se aplica el proceso de acreditación de WASC a nuestras escuelas y cómo los padres pueden participar.

Presentadores: Dr. José Díaz (Director interino de AEACMS) y Corie Julius (Coordinadora del IB)

haz clic aquí para la grabación de YouTube

Behavior Management During School Breaks

When: Thursday, March 21, 6-7:00pm

Location: Room 213 on AEACMS Campus (458 26th Street San Diego, Ca 92102)

Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024 from 6-7:00pm

Description: The upcoming Parent University aims to equip parents with valuable insights and practical strategies for managing their children’s behavior during school breaks. We will delve into proactive behavior strategies, highlighting methods that can prevent challenging behaviors from arising during school breaks. By implementing these proactive approaches, parents can create a positive and conducive environment for their children during breaks.

Presenters: Natalia Galusha (Board Certified Behavioral Analyst) and Alyssa Staudinger (Behavior Technician)

Click here for Youtube Presentation

Click here for Slideshow


Universidad para padres: Manejo del comportamiento durante las vacaciones escolares, jueves 21 de marzo, 6-7:00 p.m.

Ubicación: Salon 213 en el campus de AEACMS (458 26th Street San Diego, Ca 92102)

Fecha: jueves 21 de marzo de 2024 de 6-7:00pm

Descripción: Esta Universidad para padres tiene como objetivo equipar a los padres con conocimientos valiosos y estrategias prácticas para gestionar el comportamiento de sus hijos durante las vacaciones escolares. Profundizaremos en estrategias de comportamiento proactivo, destacando métodos que pueden evitar comportamientos desafiantes durante las vacaciones escolares. Al implementar estos enfoques proactivos, los padres pueden crear un ambiente positivo y propicio para sus estudiantes durante los descansos.

Presentadores: Natalia Galusha (Analista de Comportamiento Certificada) y Alyssa Staudinger (Técnica de Comportamiento)

Haz clic aquí para la presentación de Youtube

Haz clic aquí para la presentación de diapositivas


AEA School Safety Plan

When: Thursday, February 29, 6-7:00pm

Location: This presentation will be offered on Zoom only 

Date: Thursday, February 29, 2024 from 6-7:00pm

Description: Student safety will always be AEA’s top priority as a charter school. To respond to the many expressions of concern about the safety of our community, we are hosting a Public Safety Parent University with our Health and Safety Committee. This will be an excellent opportunity for our community to ask questions directly of the AEA Health and Safety Committee and to have their voices heard on the critical issue of student safety.

Presenters: Dr. David Sciaretta (AEA Superintendent)Veronica Laroche (Health and Safety Committee Member), and Tina Royster (Health and Safety Committee Member)

ASL and Spanish interpretation will be available. 

Click here for Youtube Recording

Click here to view the redacted Comprenhensive School Safety Plan (February 13, 2024)

Taller para Padres: Plan de seguridad escolar de la AEA, jueves 29 de febrero, 6-7:00 p.m.

Ubicación: esta presentación se ofrecerá solo en Zoom

Fecha: jueves 29 de febrero de 2024 de 6-7:00pm

Descripción: La seguridad de los estudiantes siempre será la principal prioridad de AEA como escuela autónoma. Para responder a las muchas expresiones de preocupación sobre la seguridad de nuestra comunidad, estamos organizando un taller para padres de seguridad pública con nuestro Comité de Salud y Seguridad. Esta será una excelente oportunidad para que nuestra comunidad haga preguntas directamente al Comité de Salud y Seguridad de AEA y haga escuchar sus voces sobre el tema crítico de la seguridad de los estudiantes.

Presentadores: Dr. David Sciaretta (Superintendente de AEA), Verónica Laroche (Miembro del Comité de Salud y Seguridad) y Tina Royster (Miembro del Comité de Salud y Seguridad)

Supporting Your TK/Kindergarten Reader

When: Thursday, February 15, 2024 from 6:00-7:30 pm

Location: Room B18 on AEACES Campus (3035 Ash St, San Diego, CA 92102)

Description: Join us to talk about early literacy skills and how children learn to read. Discover how you can partner with your child’s teacher(s) to support your child on their way to becoming a skilled and confident reader and writer.

Presenters: Shawn Powell (TK-3 Literacy Specialist), Leslie Kitzman (English Kindergarten teacher) and Eryn Holt (German Kindergarten teacher)

Click here for Youtube Presentation

Click here for Informational Presentation Slides


Taller para padres: Cómo apoyar a su lector de Kinder

Cuándo: Jueves, 15 de febrero de 2023 de 6:00 a 7:30 pm

Localización: 3035 Ash St, San Diego, CA 92102 (escuela primaria)

Descripción: Acompáñenos para hablar sobre las habilidades de alfabetización temprana y cómo los niños aprenden a leer. Descubra cómo puede colaborar con los maestros de su hijo para ayudarle a convertirse en un lector y escritor hábil y seguro de sí mismo.

Presentador: Shawn Powell (Especialista en alfabetización TK-3)

Social Conflict (Bullying) - Bullying as a Symptom

When: Thursday, January 25, 2024 from 6:00-7:30 pm

Location: Room 213 on the AEACMS Campus (458 26th St, San Diego, CA 92102)

Description: Early adverse experiences (social conflicts) affect overall healthy development, which provides foundations for behavior, emotional health, and social skills. Supporting children’s emotional development is critical for a healthy social peer development. Children’s responsive healthy relationships, growth promoting experiences, and social and emotional healthy environments are essential to develop social conflict skills and identify alternatives to aggressive behavior. This presentation offers a rigorous, structured, and didactic approach to address children and adolescent conflicts.
Presenters: Hector Meza (AEACES School Counselor)


Taller para Padres: Conflicto Social (Acoso)- Acoso como Síntoma

Fecha: jueves, 8 de febrero, 2024 de 6:00-7:30 pm

Localización: Salon 213 en la secundaria AEACMS Campus (458 26th St, San Diego, CA 92102)

Descripción: Las experiencias adversas de la infancia (conflicto social) afectan el desarrollo saludable, lo que proporciona las bases para el comportamiento, la salud emocional, y habilidades sociales.  Apoyar el desarrollo nutritivo de la salud mental de los niños es fundamental para el desarrollo de conflictos. Las relaciones saludables, las experiencias que fomentan un crecimiento sano y, el entorno social y emocional para todos los niños son esenciales para las habilidades sociales e identificar alternativas para la conducta agresiva.  Esta plática estructurada, rigurosa, didáctica ofrece un enfoque en comprender la conducta de niños y del adolescente.

Presentador: Hector Meza (Consejero Escolar de AEACES )

*Se proporcionará cena y cuidado de niños.

Click here for Presentation

Click here for the “What is Not Bullying” document

Click here for the “Children see, Children learn” Video

Click here for Live Stream (English)

Click here for Live Stream (Espanol)

Supporting Your First Grade Reader

When: Thursday, December 7, 2023 from 6:00-7:30pm

Location: Room B23 on the Elementary Campus

Description: Please join us to talk about literacy in 1st grade. Learn about the particular needs of this year’s group of students based on beginning of the year assessments and how you can partner with teachers to support your child at home to become a confident reader and writer. Our conversation will be guided by AEA’s TK-3 Literacy Specialist, a 1st grade English teacher, and a 1st grade German teacher.

Shawn Powell (TK-3 Literacy Specialist), Megan Crim (1st Grade English Teacher), Andrea Tollison (1st Grade German Teacher)

Click here for Presentation

Click here for Live Stream (English)

Click here for Live Stream (Espanol)

Haga clic aquí para ver diapositivas de presentación informativas

Safety Net (from the San Diego Police Foundation) for TK-8th Grade

When: Thursday, October 26, from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm

Where: The presentation will be held in person at the Middle School Campus (Room 213)

458 26th Street San Diego 92102

Presenters: Tracy Brooks Hardin (Presenter from the San Diego Police Foundation)

Every time a student uses a smartphone, tablet, or computer or even logs on to a game, the door is open to a virtual world populated by cyberbullies, hackers, and even predators. Question is, what can you do to keep your kids and the children in your community safe? It all starts with involvement and education. SafetyNet: Smart Cyber Choices is an innovative program that empowers students of all ages to identify and avoid these threats through in-school internet safety assemblies and provides information for parents/caregivers to keep their kids safe online.

Topics covered include:

• Cyberbullying

• Privacy

• Computer security

• Predators

• Sexting

• Identity theft

• Plagiarism

2022 – 2023

Safety Net (from the San Diego Police Foundation) for TK-8th Grade

Thursday, April 13 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Every time a student uses a smartphone, tablet, computer, or even logs on to a game, the door is open to a virtual world populated by cyberbullies, hackers, and even predators. Question is, what can you do to keep your kids and the children in your community safe? It all starts with involvement and education. SafetyNet: Smart Cyber Choices is an innovative program that empowers students of all ages to identify and avoid these threats through in-school internet safety assemblies and provides information for parents/caregivers to keep their kids safe online.

Topics covered include:

• Cyberbullying

• Privacy

• Computer security

• Predators

• Sexting

• Identity theft

• Plagiarism

Click here for more Information

Zoom RSVP Link

In-Person RSVP

K-5 German Support
Thursday, March 2 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

Please join us for a Parent University to learn strategies to use in order to help support your students with their German learning. This will be an in-person event only but recording will be available to watch later. Spanish Interpretation will also be available.

Click here for Presentation

Click here for our live stream (English)

Click here for our live stream (Espanol)

Supporting Your Beginning Reader
Thursday, January 19 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

This presentation will be focused on foundational pre-reading and reading skills for beginning readers. Families will learn the basics about learning to read, along with some of the terminology used when talking about reading skills. Strategies for building your child’s foundational literacy skills through games and activities will be shared, resources will be provided, and there will be time for questions and answers.

Click here for more information

Click here for Presentation 

Click here for our live stream (English)

Click here for our live stream (Espanol)

ABCs of Behavior
Thursday, November 17 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

The workshop’s purpose is to provide parents and guardians with tips on managing challenging behaviors at home.

This Parent University will be held in person, available via Zoom, and live-streamed on YouTube. A video recording will be available on YouTube to watch later. Spanish and ASL translation services will be available during the presentation.

For in-person attendees, childcare is available ONLY FOR SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN. Childcare for toddlers or babies is not available.

Click here for our Live Stream

For more information, click here

Click here for PDF presentation

Canvas, PowerSchool and IB Assessment (Sixth through Eighth Grade Families)
September 15, 2022

Information will include a general overview of Canvas, including how to log-in as a parent and see student information such as courses, grades, missing work. There will also be break-out sessions and time for questions and answers.

This Parent University will be held over Zoom and live streamed on YouTube. A video recording will be available on YouTube to watch later. Spanish and ASL translation services will be available during the presentation.

Click here for our youtube video

Haga clic aquí para ver nuestro video de youtube

2021 – 2022

Stress and Anxiety in Children Post Pandemic Times for 5th-8th
Thursday, June 9 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

The pandemic came to teach and remind us of so many things, including how wellness truly looks like, and now, we are learning how we can grow from those valuable lessons. This presentation will go over how anxiety and depression may present after the pandemic, how it may affect families and students, as well as some practical tools to address it. The presenter will also cover how to promote wellness after the pandemic. The presentation will focus on the needs of students in 5th through 8th grade. 

Click here for our Live Stream 

Haga clic aquí para nuestra transmisión en vivo

Stress and Anxiety in Children Post Pandemic Times for Kinder-4th
Thursday, June 2 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

The pandemic came to teach and remind us of so many things, including how wellness truly looks like, and now, we are learning how we can grow from those valuable lessons. This presentation will go over how anxiety and depression may present after the pandemic, how it may affect families and students, as well as some practical tools to address it. The presenter will also cover how to promote wellness after the pandemic. The presentation will focus on the needs of students in Kinder through 4th grade. 

Click here for our Live Stream

Triple P – Positive Parenting Program
Thursdays, April 28, May 5 and May 12 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

The Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) is an evidence-based, preventive, early-intervention parent education program focused on improving child behavior. Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships, confidently manage their children’s behavior and prevent problems developing. The goal is to help promote improved effectiveness and wellness of parents which, as research attributes, is the foundation for healthy and well-adjusted students. Parents/caregivers could benefit from the information that is shared at the seminars to help better understand why children behave the way they do, why we respond the way we do and what we can do to help the child to better self-regulate for improved behavior.

Seminar 1 – April 28, 2022

The Power of Positive Parenting

• Ways to help your child learn 

• Strategies for carrying out positive discipline 

• Keeping realistic expectations 

• Creating workable family routines 

• The joys and challenges of being a parent 

Seminar 2 – May 5, 2022

Raising Confident, Competent Children

Help your child to: 

• Be respectful and considerate 

• Become a problem solver 

• Learn social skills and build friendships 

• Feel confident in the world 

Seminar 3 – May 12, 2022

Raising Resilient Children 

• Great information for parents experiencing  difficult economic times 

• Recognizing and expressing feelings  as a family

• Modeling positive thinking for your children

• Strategies for dealing with stressful life events

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Shifting the Mindset about Adolescent Sexual Health Education: What your student will learn in middle school
April 14, 2022

In this presentation, middle school families will have the opportunity to learn and preview materials that their student(s) will see as part of the adolescent sexual health education curriculum. The curriculum will include education on reproductive health basics, pregnancy and contraceptives, STI/HIV prevention, risk reduction, health decision making, and teen rights and resources. The curriculum was developed using the most recent medically accurate research on human sexuality, healthy relationships, pregnancy, and HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

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Safety Net
March 24, 2022

Every time a student uses a smartphone, tablet, computer, or even logs on to a game, the door is open to a virtual world populated by cyberbullies, hackers, and even predators. Question is, what can you do to keep your kids and the children in your community safe? It all starts with involvement and education. SafetyNet: Smart Cyber Choices is an innovative program that empowers students of all ages to identify and avoid these threats through in-school internet safety assemblies and provides information for parents/caregivers to keep their kids safe online.

*This was not a recorded presentation.

German Support
Introduction to the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP)
February 3, 2022

This is a great opportunity for our parent community to learn about the unique qualities specific to the Middle Years Programme (6th-8th). Find out what makes an International Baccalaureate school different from other schools.

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Introduction to the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP)
January 27, 2022

This is a great opportunity for our parent community to learn about the unique qualities specific to the Primary Years Programme (K-5th). Find out what makes an International Baccalaureate school different from other schools.

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Kinder-First Beginning Reading
January 13, 2022

Acquire knowledge about our phonics and handwriting programs, while learning how to provide valuable support at home. Strategies for building your student’s literacy skills through quick and easy games and activities will be shared.

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Virtual High School Night
October 14, 2021

Information will include a general overview of enrollment options and the School Choice process for San Diego Unified School District. School representatives will present information on their schools in breakout sessions.

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K-8 Families-Canvas Learning Management System
October 7, 2021

Information will include a general overview of Canvas, how to log-in as a parent and see student information such as courses, grades, missing work. Break-out sessions with specific information related to elementary school and middle school canvas experiences and time for questions and answers.

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2020 – 2021

Supporting your Student’s Mental Health
May 27, 2021

A brief overview of mental health conditions, how to help your student manage everyday stressors, and will provide you with the tools to best support your students during this time.

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Self Regulation Skills
April 22, 2021

A brief overview of the Zones of Regulation, the self-regulation strategies being taught to kindergarten/first grade students, and how these self-regulation strategies can be used and supported at home.

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Know Your Rights
February 23, 2021

A Parent University focused on learning about your rights in the U.S., your options to immigrate inside the U.S., and your options to immigrate outside the U.S.

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K-1 Beginning Writer
February 11, 2021

Acquire knowledge about the developmental stages of writing, as well as the writing process. You’ll also learn ways to help your child grow as a writer at home.

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German Support for Kindergarten through Eighth Grade Families
January 28, 2021

A Parent University focused on how you can best support your child’s German language learning. Faculty will provide useful strategies and resources for you to use at home.

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K-1 Beginning Reading
January 14, 2021

A Parent University focused on how you can best support your child’s reading skills. Will provide useful strategies and resources for you to use at home.

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Canvas Learning Management System
October 7, 2020

A Parent University focused helping your child navigate and use Canvas. Will provide step by step instructions on how to use Canvas.

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