We are midway through the week, and today we distributed all 600 meals and hygiene kits faster than we have any day since the closure began. We have increased the food order for tomorrow, and are searching for more hygiene supplies for assembling new kits. The best way to insure you receive food is to come as close to the beginning of the 10am-12 pm distribution window as possible.

For families who arrived today and did not receive food, please come back tomorrow! Sincere apologies for us not being able to help you today. We continue to be committed to supporting our families and community for as long as possible.

We are also distributing technology by appointment; if you need a computer or internet access please leave a voice or text message on the hotline located at www.aeacs.org. A staff member will contact you with next steps in setting up an appointment to pick up your technology supplies.

Getting ready to distribute laptops and internet access.

During these unprecedented times I’ve tried to focus every day on something that is uplifting and helps distract me for a while from the endless news cycle. I saw the following near my house and it made me smile.

Stay safe and healthy.