Thankfully the rain let up today in time for us to continue distributing technology, breakfast and lunch to families on the AEACMS school site.  This is a continuation of our commitment to supporting families from as many angles as possible.  Thanks to Ms. S for assisting with food distribution efforts today.  Effective today we also implemented new more restrictive protocols for food distribution.  Based on guidance from the local health department, we are further limiting contact between our staff and families when they arrive to pick up food.  All food is now placed on a serving cart in advance and families drive past and retrieve it in a designated area.  As always, our staff are adhering to mask and gloves protocols that we have had in place for the past three weeks.

As I write this post, the Principals and I are taking a lunch break from working on the Albert Einstein Academies plan for distance learning.  With input from our various stakeholders as well as experts, we are creating a plan to clarify parameters around what teaching, learning and student support will look like when Spring Break ends and we return to “classes” on Monday, April 13.  Once the plan is finalized I will post it on this blog.

Finally, while it may be difficult to think several months ahead in the immediacy of this crisis, our leadership team is working on future budget modeling.  What we do know is that we must develop a fiscally responsible operating budget for 2020-2021 to be presented to our Board of Trustees before July 1.  While the damage to the California economy is not yet fully known, millions of people out of work will undoubtedly impact the State’s budget for next year, and with education being the largest portion of the budget, could well also have an impact on K-12 funding.  Here is an interesting article on the topic.

Stay safe, stay healthy.