We returned to more typical San Diego weather today, which hopefully will lift spirits somewhat. We can be heartened even more by the overwhelming show of support for the AEA COVID-19 Relief Fund which has brought in over $8,000 in less than a week. With the proceeds from over 70 generous donors we have begun assembling hygiene kits for distribution this Friday. We are also continuing to receive results from the needs survey we sent out over the weekend and this will drive our ordering this week and next.

Assembling personal hygiene kits for distribution.

In keeping with our commitment to academic rigor for all students, we have distributed nearly 400 computers and dozens of internet access points since our schools closed in March. At the upcoming April 21 AEA Board of Trustees meeting (which will more than likely take place virtually) our leadership team will present more information on the implementation of our Distance Learning Plan (which I discussed in this blog yesterday).

Finally, while humans have been shaken to the core by this pandemic, the plants and animals seem unperturbed. On a Zoom call this morning one of my colleagues commented that it sounded like I was calling in from the zoo—those were just songbirds in my backyard, whose songs can be heard very clearly now without the sounds of traffic nearby. Yesterday when I went for a morning run—maintaining appropriate social distancing of course—I stopped to admire the beauty of the plants and flowers in my neighborhood, something I wouldn’t otherwise do in the rush to get to the office.

Stay safe and stay healthy.