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AEA School Site Council (SSC)


What is the SSC?

  • The SSC is an AEA team with representatives from families, school, and community. 
  • The SSC team works together toward ensuring that all students meet state academic standards by helping to shape AEA’s decisions on how to direct Title I money, both compliantly and efficiently. 
  • These decisions are based on student data (standardized tests). 


What is Title I?

  • This is federal money that schools with a high percentage of economically disadvantaged students receive for additional academic support and learning opportunities. 
  • This money is intended to help ensure that all students meet state academic standards.
  • The SSC guides the school in how to distribute this money.


Who should attend SSC meetings and Why?

  • Monthly SSC meetings are open to everyone.
  • We value input from parents, families, students, teachers, staff, administrators, and community members.
  • Your attendance and engagement are welcomed and encouraged, and will help to make a big difference for our students!


Important Links:

SSC Meeting Agendas

SSC By-laws

2023 SSC Family Engagement Survey Results

Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy Albert Einstein Academies 2024-25 School Year (English)

Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy Albert Einstein Academies 2024-25 School Year (Spanish)

For more information, please contact your school principal or the SSC Chairperson: Megan Crim (

SSC Officers’ Contact Information


Upcoming SSC Meetings


SSC Video Archive:

If you’d like to access past live-stream videos, please visit our youtube page HERE.