Special Education and Mental Health Services
Did you know that AEA has staff who can help you access mental health and special education services? If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our staff will be able to help you with initiating services in school or they will connect you to an outside agency to help meet the needs of your student and your family.
Contact information
Itzel Camacho, Lead Education Specialist
Email: icamacho@aeacs.org
Phone: (858) 859-1550
In addition, please click here for information on Child Find which helps to identify, locate, and evaluate children and youth ages 3 to 21 years of age who are suspected of having or have a disability or developmental delay, in order to provide appropriate special education services under the law.
Click here for information about the El Dorado Charter Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA)
Servicios de educación especial y salud mental
¿Sabía que AEA cuenta con personal que puede ayudarte a acceder a los servicios de salud mental y educación especial? Si tiene preguntas o dudas, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros. Nuestro personal podrá ayudarle a iniciar los servicios en la escuela o le pondrá en contacto con una agencia externa para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades de su hijo y su familia.
Información de contacto
Grace Ridgeway, Director de Servicios Estudiantiles
Email: gridgeway@aeacs.org
Phone: (858) 859-1550
Itzel Camacho, Lead Education Specialist
Email: icamacho@aeacs.org
Phone: (858) 859-1550